Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016


Hi my friends at this time I will discuss about the smartphone app that I like. in modern times today, especially android phone, now many social media applications such as fuel, instagaram, twiter WeChat, facebook, path, line and others. do you think what applications you prefer ?. of the many applications of social media in my hp andrroid just a social media application that I like although other applications are on my android phone, but I prefer the one application that is whatsapp. why I prefer the application whatsapp?, because I think whatsapp has many advantages, such as less wear ram that is too large, the phone contacts automatically synced easy to use easy-setting can be backed up conversations easily communicate using the Internet more of its do not take the package or internet quota so this application is saving quota for whatsapp free application is not costly and can also be downloaded to use nokia java so I really like to play besides whatsapp's also fast friends. this is the smartphone app that I like friends especially with my status as a student so it should be able to divide the money untunk interests lainnya.menurut my whatsapp application is very helpful in saving money because we do not really put on the package or quota especially when it is his or her status as a student nomads.

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